Friday, May 09, 2008

Thoughts about ecommerce web hosting

Another Great ecommerce web hosting Article

The Planet Launches Virtual Racks

Wed, 07 May 2008 00:00:00 EST
May 7, 2008 -- ( <> WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) -- The Planet said Wednesday that it has launched its new "virtual rack" solution, designed to make the features of its popular private rack solution available to customers running as few as two servers.

John Raul dot Com

Wed, 30 Jan 2008 21:06:37 -0600
Blogging, gadget reviews, money making ideas, software reviews, web marketing, web hosting, web development and services.

Currently, hostican hosting had upgraded their hosting plan to over 2000GB storage space for their most basic shared hosting plan. 10 months ago, hostican hosting is only offering 200GB storage space, and its now grown to over 2000GB storage. That is 10 times the storage space. This doesn’t effect the hosting services quality, and indeed you can view the previous month hostican uptime and hostican speed test report to find out more about hostican server performance.

This might not be important if you only have 5 or 10 domain names.

When we start talking hundreds of domain names this could become

a not so easily solved problem. Please share your views and what you

did with the domain names of yours at RegisterFly.

The companies have signed a definitive agreement for Hostopia to purchase customer assets including approximately 14,000 Domain Direct, NetIdentity and (IYD) customer accounts. The companies indicated that accounts involved in the transaction will continue to be served under the familiar Domain Direct brand, which will operate as a managed service by Hostopia.


Fri, 18 Jan 2008 10:18:13 -0600
The blog talks about web hosting fundamentals, tips, issues, plans and choices.

T35 Hosting Featured in BusinessWeek

Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:19:26 +0000

The aim of this article was to spread as much information on ecommerce web hosting as possible. We surely do hope that we have succeeded in it.

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11:26 PM  

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